Winter Camp 2019

Winter Camp 2019!

A couple weeks ago we got back from Winter Camp! Our ministry gathers for a weekend of worship and fellowship at the beginning of the semester. Winter Camp is special because all of the FOCUS campus communities in the DFW area come together for the weekend. Dr. John Stackhouse was our guest speaker and he talked about being a Christian in today's culture. Something that Stackhouse said that stuck with me is that we get to bring in the Kingdom of God. A lot of his talks reminded me of the simplicity that is within being a Christian; a good simplicity that looks like doing your best to love the people around you, being an encouragement to others, and willing to pray for people. I can easily get into thinking I need to preform certain Christian duties and focus on those more than trying to do my best to look like Jesus to those around me. In what ways do you need to better reflect the characteristics of Jesus in your day in and day out routine?




Tate and I got to paint two paintings live during a worship set. I was so much fun! You can see them here on both sides of the stage.

We painted two gates that stayed on the stage during the weekend. The paintings were there to remind people to be thankful and give praise to God every time we gather, like it says in Psalms:

Enter his gates with thanksgiving 
and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4
Student Testimony 

"Growing up, my mother was an addict and my dad wasn’t around. So my grandmother raised me, my two siblings, and six cousins. Nana never let her emotions show. She taught us that even if we had something to be sad about, there would be no point in crying about it. When she passed away during my freshman year of high school, I turned my sadness into anger and began taking it out on the people who had failed me -- mainly my mother for choosing her addictions over raising me. I grew up fast and alone, convinced that the best way to deal with my pain was to toughen up and act like everything was okay.

As it turns out, God was with me all along. He began healing me just before my senior year of high school through a friend and church family. They gave me real love and showed me Jesus. So when it was time to head to TWU, I already knew that I wanted friends who would lead me towards Jesus. Thankfully I met Shayla, who introduced me to FOCUS. In the last two years God has used this ministry to challenge my lack of vulnerability, serve me when I didn’t want help, and include me before I even believed that I belonged. I’m not alone anymore and I’m learning how to be a kid again, free to trust that God is in control. What’s more is now I’m able, through the power of God, to invest in and disciple girls the same way that I was first invested in."

Nicole Jones, Junior
Texas Woman’s University, Denton
Interdisciplinary Studies EC-6 ESL

Prayer Requests

Our Students have all just started new classes! Please pray that Winter Camp has motivated them to intentionally engage their peers and to be someone that helps others flourish. 

Several of our campus missionaries are studying and preparing for our upcoming Pizza Theology on the book of Exodus. Please pray for the Spirit's help and guidance and that this event would draw students into a greater love and appreciation of the God who saves! 


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